I'm guessing that we're all fans of Popeye if you're here at the SEA SHANTY FUNNIES website. As a fellow fan of Popeye, please allow me to give a recommendation for you to join the Official Popeye Fanclub that issues a nifty membership package including a few newsletters each year.
I love the newsletters with the articles that they publish and some of the reprints of the older Bela Zeboly strips you can read.
To join, go to http://www.popeyethesailor.com/club/main.htm for more information. If the link to pay online isn't working, you can mail a check (for $10 in the U.S.) to the Official Popeye Fanclub - 1001 State St. - Chester, Il. 62233, or call Debbie e at 618-826-4567 with a credit card.
It is about time for me to renew my own annual membership!
- Scott
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